Around the end of last year, a leaflet introducing the Neighbourhood Plan process was delivered to every household in the two parishes.
By the time you read this article, we will have held at the end of March five open events in Ketton
and Tinwell to give people a chance to talk about the Neighbourhood Plan and tell us the kinds of
issues they want to see addressed in it.
Our next step will be to process the information that we've gathered from those events and see where this points, in terms of policies for the Plan which the community as a whole would like to see.
At the same time we will be continuing to build up our evidence base to support these policies.
In June, we aim to deliver a questionnaire to all households (it will also be available online). This will build on the results of the open events, and your answers to the questionnaire will help us frame the detailed policies for the draft Neighbourhood Plan document which we will need to submit to Rutland County Council for their preliminary review by the end of this year.
To help us with this process, we may need to have further consultation with the community as the year progresses.
In the meantime, please continue to tell us what you think. You can get in touch with us via our
and also Facebook and Twitter (see website for details). Or post a letter to us at the KPC office!
Ann Tomlinson
Chair, Ketton and Tinwell Joint Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group